Menjadi masalah kepada pelajar dalam menulis tesis ialah menulis pendahuluan. Pendahuluan yang dikemukakan selalunya tidak relevan dengan tajuk kajian. Berikut adalah contoh dalam menulis pendahuluan seterusnya menulis permasalahan kajian.
Contoh pendahuluan bagi tajuk:
Development of computer animation in chemistry using constructivist approach
PERTAMA: Berikan latar belakang ringkas
Perkenalkan sedikit latar belakang atau sejarah “area of investigation” supaya pembaca dapat mengenalpasti kedudukan kajian ini dalam bidangnya yang lebih luas. Dengan ini, pembaca dapat tahu, kajian ini dibincangkan di bawah topik ini. Sebagai contoh, memperkenalkan perkembangan pesat dakwah dalam persekitaran teknologi maklumat dakwah sebelum membincangkan Facebook untuk dakwah. Dalam contoh tajuk kajian di atas, fokus kajian berkaitan dengan “teaching and learning in science education”. Cuba lihat cara dia menulis pendahuluan bagi tajuk ini.

Malaysia has given a high priority to educational development since independence in 1957. The emphasis on science education started in 1960 in response to reports by the Education Review Committee which called for explicit commitment to improve the quality of science education (citation). In the 1960s, General Science was taught as a compulsory subject at the lower secondary level. Since then, science education in Malaysia has undergone several changes and innovations.
Then in 1969, the MOE through the Curriculum Development Centre adapted the Scottish Integrated Science Syllabus for lower secondary school science (Form I, II and III) to replace the existing General Science subject.
Subsequently, in 1972, the newly-formed Curriculum Development Centre (CDC), introduced new science subjects for Forms IV and V - Modern Physics, Chemistry and Biology which were derived from Nuffield Science materials from England. For upper secondary non-science stream students, the Modern Science subject was introduced in 1974, derived from Nuffield Secondary Science (citation).
KEDUA: Memperkenalkan GAP
GAP ialah permasalahan dan kelompangan yang terdapat dalam bidang ini sehingga memerlukan kepada kajian yang baru. Sebagai contoh, dalam kajian Facebook untuk dakwah, terdapat banyak usaha yang sedang dilakukan untuk dakwah tetapi kajian yang masih belum lagi dibuat ialah kesan dakwah Facebook kepada remaja.
Dalam contoh kajian “teaching and learning in science education”, tulis mengenai senario situasi semasa berkaitan isu yang dikaji dgn memperkenalkan “gap” iaitu aplikasi yang dilakukan hanya tertumpu kepada pendekatan “guided-inquiry” melalui experimen sahaja.
The teaching and learning strategies for science subjects which utilized guided-inquiry continued with the implementation of the New Integrated Secondary School Curriculum in 1989, which stressed the development of scientific skills through guided-inquiry activities where students are actively involved in solving and discovering scientific phenomena through investigation (citation).
Therefore in daily practice, guided-inquiry is implemented mostly for doing experiment where the teacher provides the materials and problem for the students to investigate, emphasizing the scientific process skills such as observation and data collection (This is the gap - problem that need to be studied)
KETIGA: Mengemukakan asas / bukti kepada GAP
Adakah GAP yang dikemukakan itu berasas? Itulah yang perlu dikemukakan bagi menjustifikasikan kajian ini.
Dalam contoh kajian “teaching and learning in science education”, keperluan kepada kajian ini ialah guided-inquiry melalui eksperimen di makmal sahaja tidak memadai. Maka timbul keperluan untuk memperbaiki keadaan dengan memperkenalkan constructivist learning theory dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran.
Realizing that learning science is more than acquiring science process skills through guided-inquiry activities, it is about time to implement the constructivist learning theory, to highlight the importance of student’s active engagement in constructing personal meaning of the subject matter.
As stressed by author (year), constructivist learning gives emphasis to an active search for meaning and understanding by individual students where they construct deep understanding through social activities and interaction with others. This approach takes into consideration students’ prior knowledge, beliefs and attitudes as well as encourages discussion in order to help them acquire new concepts (citation)
KEEMPAT: Nyatakan proposes solution / focus kajian anda
Perkenal kajian anda untuk mengatasi masalah dalam gap.
Dalam contoh kajian “teaching and learning in science education”, fokus kajian ialah untuk menguji keberkesanan animasi mengunakan constructivist approach for teaching and learning chemistry.
In the Malaysian educational system, chemistry is taught as one of the core single subjects and reemphasized at the post-secondary level. Basically, it is relatively easy for students to discover simple basic concepts in chemistry through the guided-inquiry approach. An important issue here is how students can understand chemistry concepts because they possess different levels of abstractness (citation).
Therefore, instead of relying the scientific skills through guided-inquiry activities as practised by most chemistry teachers, the focus of this study is to investigate the effectiveness using animation based on the constructivist approach to teaching and learning chemistry.
KELIMA: Kepentingan kajian
Dibahagian akhir inilah anda simpulkan betapa pentingnya kajian yang akan anda jalankan..
While computer technologies have the potential to be integrated with the constructivist derived approaches, they also place specific demands on teachers to choose or develop the appropriate computer presentations that facilitate a student’s own understanding through activities and interaction during science classes. For this proposed, research is needed to investigate how to integrate the latest computer technologies within a constructivist mode consistent with the objectives of chemistry education in Malaysia. This is the intention of this study; to design an animation aided constructivist approach to instruction and to test its implementation in the Malaysian context.


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